News & Spotlights

A Road Trip to Health

A Road Trip to Health

August 11th, 2014

Road trips are a fun way to bond with friends and family but can also mean unhealthful eating, sunburns and cramped legs. Follow these tips for a fun, safe trip.

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What to Expect During a Nutrition Visit

What to Expect During a Nutrition Visit

August 4th, 2014

We are here to educate, support and help motivate. A nutrition visit includes listening to the patient, educating, providing suggestions and educational materials, and offering ongoing support in the patient’s quest for better health.

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Sleep for Health

Sleep for Health

July 24th, 2014

How many hours of sleep are you really getting most nights? If your answer is 5-6, or 7 if you are lucky, then you are like most Americans. That is, like most Americans, you are chronically sleep deficient.

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It’s Like Pulling Teeth

It’s Like Pulling Teeth

July 24th, 2014

Those who are newly eligible for dental care are competing for appointments with another population: people who once again have dental coverage after a three-year lapse.

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Financial Assistance

Everyone can be a HealthPoint patient. We are here to help you get the health care you need, no matter what your circumstances.

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Forms & Resources

To save time, feel free to print, complete and bring with you to your medical or dental appointment.

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