News & Spotlights

Andrew Ashiofu: Accessibility and Advocacy

June 24th, 2024
HealthPoint Programs & Staff, Stories

By: Natasha Rudolph, Communications Coordinator

Andrew Ashiofu: Accessibility and Advocacy


Andrew Ashiofu’s goals at HealthPoint are to “raise leaders that will do better than I have done. The goal is to bring about liberation of marginalized communities and to ensure that our voices are heard in every room, on every table, and in every space.” Andrew was drawn to work at HealthPoint because of its values and representation of the community they serve. Growing up as an immigrant and navigating the health care system in the United States was tough for him. Andrew thinks back to his start at HealthPoint and shared how after researching the nonprofit and the positive impact they’re making in the community they serve, he wanted to be part of that monumental change and to continue to give back to the community in a meaningful way. In five years, Andrew aims to have HealthPoint as one of the top three community health clinics to receive quality care in King County for sexual health.

As a Sexual Health Program Manager, Andrew’s day to day involves a lot of planning, implementing, and advocacy work for the many programs he oversees. One of his priorities includes delivery of services such as HIV prevention, linkage to care for those tested for HIV, STI treatment, and many more.  For internal advocacy, Andrew engages with leadership, specialists, and different departments to implement change from within for the projects that he hopes to bring to HealthPoint.

Andrew Ashiofu’s many lived experiences as a gay black man and board member on the Seattle LGBTQ+ Commission and the DEI Committee for King County has influenced the way he advocates for the community. Andrew shares, “I always think about from the patient’s perspective when I’m working on projects or bringing up talking points in important meetings. I always ask myself, what was my experience? What would I have wished was different?”  His experience taught him the importance of collaboration and networking with the right people, organizations, and departments to achieve goals that help the greater community.

Watch the video below to learn more about Andrew and his role at HealthPoint.