News & Spotlights

World Refugee Day Update

World Refugee Day Update

June 20th, 2018
HealthPoint Programs & Staff

Last year we shared a bit about our work as the health care home for the majority of King County's recently resettled refugees. Since then a lot has changed. In honor of World Refugee Day, we'd like to draw attention to those changes, share an update on our work, and hopefully provide a bit of light in what has been a dark and fearful year for many in our community.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Ling Tan, MD

Volunteer Spotlight: Ling Tan, MD

April 19th, 2018
HealthPoint Programs & Staff, Stories

Dr. Tan share similarities with many HealthPoint providers: she is highly competent, compassionate, and attentive to our patients. One key difference? She doesn’t get paid. For the past six years, Dr. Tan has served HealthPoint patients for free as a volunteer. Find out WHY and get to know Dr. Tan in this spotlight.

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Connecting Mind and Body: Why We Integrate Behavioral Health Care

Connecting Mind and Body: Why We Integrate Behavioral Health Care

February 23rd, 2018
HealthPoint Programs & Staff

At HealthPoint we integrate behavioral health care with primary care. Does integrating services REALLY make much of a difference in our community? The answer may surprise you.

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Care Coordinator Spotlight: Lisa Hardmeyer Gray

Care Coordinator Spotlight: Lisa Hardmeyer Gray

June 14th, 2017
HealthPoint Programs & Staff

Did you know that HealthPoint offers mental and behavioral health services in addition to primary medical and dental care? We offer these services to all patients because we know that good health requires both physical AND mental wellbeing. We have more than 30 mental and behavioral health specialists on staff, including 5 Care Coordinators. Read on to learn more about this role and get to know Lisa Hardmeyer Gray, the Care Coordinator at HealthPoint Kent.

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Refugee Health at HealthPoint

Refugee Health at HealthPoint

March 20th, 2017
HealthPoint Programs & Staff

HealthPoint serves approximately 58% of King County’s newly resettled refugees. Find out what we're doing to provide a welcoming health care home for many of our region’s newest and most vulnerable residents.

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Financial Assistance

Everyone can be a HealthPoint patient. We are here to help you get the health care you need, no matter what your circumstances.

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Forms & Resources

To save time, feel free to print, complete and bring with you to your medical or dental appointment.

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